For the second time in gold and for the tenth time overall, Haus Rabenhorst receives the German food industry's highest award for outstanding product quality - the Bundesehrenpreis (Federal Award of Honour)
Unkel/Cologne, November 2021: Every year, the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) awards the "Bundesehrenpreis" to companies that impress with their special product quality. The Bundesehrenpreis is the highest award that is characterised for German food producers. For 2021, a total of eight German fruit drink producers have been characterised with the Bundesehrenpreis, with the two best company performances within the eight award winners being awarded the additional distinction of "Silver" and "Gold".
The traditional family business Haus Rabenhorst O. Lauffs was able to achieve the best test results in the international quality test of the DLG (German Agricultural Society) and confirm the excellent product quality for many years. The company from Unkel on the Rhine now owes this not only to the 10th Federal Award of Honour in its history, but also to the additional "Gold" award for the second time.
DLG President Hubertus Paetow praised the company's overall performance as an expression of high professional skill: "The winners of the Federal Award of Honour embody a culture of enjoyment and consistent strive for quality in a way that is unparalleled. The award-winning companies establish trend-setting standards and can therefore rightly call themselves ambassadors of enjoyable quality products".
The award of the Bundesehrenpreis for the tenth time since 2009 and for the second time "in gold" continues to confirm the quality competence of the juice specialists. With over 120 years of knowledge and experience in the production of enjoyable and beneficial juices, Haus Rabenhorst continues to rank among the quality leaders in the German food industry and the award confirms the natural, sustainable approach of its own corporate philosophy.