Responsible for the content of this website:

Haus Rabenhorst O. Lauffs GmbH & Co. KG
Managing Director: Marc Büker
Rabenhorststraße 1
53572 Unkel, Germany
Telephone: +49 (0)2224 18 05 100

Postal address:

Street: Rabenhorststraße 1
Postal code + city 53572 Unkel, Germany

Commercial register: Montabaur District Court, HRA 10618
VAT ID: DE149513379
Inspection body: DE-ÖKO-005

Editorial support:

Christoph Ripp
E-mail: info(at)

Web development & design:
walbert creative marketing solutions
Teichwinkel 28
52074 Aachen, Germany

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Haus Rabenhorst O. Lauffs GmbH & Co. KG shall only be liable for direct or indirect references to external internet sites (“links”) which lie outside the scope of its responsibility in the event that Haus Rabenhorst O. Lauffs GmbH & Co. KG is aware of the contents of the said sites and if it would be technically possible and reasonable for it to restrict access to these sites in the event that these contain illegal contents.

Haus Rabenhorst O. Lauffs GmbH & Co. KG explicitly confirms that the linked sites were free of illegal contents at the time of their inclusion. Haus Rabenhorst O. Lauffs GmbH & Co. KG has no influence over the current and future design, contents or authorship of the linked sites. For this reason, it hereby distances itself expressly from the contents of all linked sites which were altered in the wake of their inclusion on our website. This declaration shall apply to all links and references included in the present website and to external entries in guest books, recipe forums and mailing lists created by the web team. The provider of the linked or referenced site shall be exclusively responsible for illegal, flawed or incomplete contents, and, in particular, for damages arising from the utilisation or non-utilisation of information of this nature, not the party which merely included a reference to the site via links included in an online publication.


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