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Ecological mission statement:
Protecting habitats - as comprehensively as possible

The idealistic and material protection of nature and the environment is the prerequisite for obtaining high-quality raw materials and using them to produce products of first-class Rabenhorst quality. Only by acting in a holistic ecological way can we ensure the success and continued existence of our company and the future of all our environment.

Since the 1970s, we have established an environmental management system that makes our operational processes as environmentally friendly as possible. Our employees work continuously to further reduce resource-usage, CO2 emissions and waste. Within the framework of our annual sustainability programme, we set ourselves ambitious goals. We review the measures derived from these quarterly with regard to their implementation status and success.

Success­ful en­viron­mental manage­ment -
our most im­por­tant mile­stones


start of or­ganic-con­troll­ed con­tract far­ming

since 1996

peri­odic sus­tain­ability pro­gramme with de­fined environ­mental goals


winner of the en­viron­mental award of the state of Rhine­land-Pala­tinate

since 2013

alter­native sys­tem for im­prov­ing energy effi­ciency for small and medium-­sized enter­prises


establish­ment of several regio­nal apple collect­ion points for the promot­ion of mea­dow orchards

In harmony with nature and the environment

Particularly in the procurement of raw materials, we take care to keep supply chains as short as possible in order to avoid emissions and conserve resources. To this end, we work closely with contract growers, orchard associations and initiatives in the region. We support our cultivation partners by donating trees and equipping them with modern harvesting technology. In addition, we are committed to the preservation of regional orchards.

Environmental and climate protection at the sites

Environmental impacts arise at our company sites from the use of energy and the associated CO2 emissions, from waste generated in production and logistics, and from the consumption of water. These factors are within our direct sphere of influence. Accordingly, the continuous improvement of production and logistics processes and an associated reduction in the environmental impact in the immediate vicinity of the operating sites are among the central aspects of our environmental management.

Promoting clean energy, reducing emissions and waste

As a matter of principle, in production, logistics, but also in everyday office life, we take care, among other things, to using energy as efficiently as possible, avoiding waste and using water sparingly. At our production site in Unkel, we cover 100% of our electricity needs with certified green electricity. In addition, with the help of new technologies and investments in modern facilities, we are consistently working on the resource-conserving use of raw materials and the reduction of emissions. We pursue the continuous avoidance and reduction of waste and the increase of the recycling rate by means of a consistent programme for waste reduction, strict waste separation and the recycling of valuable materials. For example, press residues (pomace) which are produced in the pressing process are sold to the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. By optimising the delivery and processing strategy, we were able to reduce the proportion of frozen raw materials and increase the processing of fresh goods. On the other hand, consistent demand planning avoids overproduction.


Eco-friendly packaging

It is very important to us to use eco-friendly packaging materials efficiently to avoid waste and to operate cost efficiently. For labels and cardboard packaging, we only use paper from FSC-certified forests as well as recycled material and material from controlled sources. The labels are made from food-safe materials (ink, varnish, film) and thus comply with the applicable legal requirements. Only vegan label adhesive is used. We do not use PET bottles. Almost all juices are filled in ecologically advantageous glass bottles at our production site. These have excellent packaging properties, as they protect the juice from external influences without affecting the smell or taste of the juice. We pursue a differenced disposable and reusable bottle concept, which is necessary due to the different distribution channels and the individual sales situation at the retailers and requires a precise, situational consideration. With our large 750 ml bottles in the reusable system, we contribute to the reduction of waste.